Changing behaviour for a healthier tomorrow
Center For Behavioural Medicine (CBM) is Innovation based health promotion organization
Registered as non-profit Trust
Building on the developments in Integrative & Mind-Body Medicine and backed by the latest PNIE (Psycho-Neuro-Immune-Endocrinology) research, CBM is innovating modalities and models for
health promotion and risk mitigation especially in the highly prevalent NCDs (Non-communicable diseases) and inclusive of mind health for improving outcomes and access

Government Approvals
Charity Commissioner Approval E4161 Pune
Income Tax Approval (12A) AABTC3822FE20198 (Valid upto 31 March 2026)
Income Tax Approval For 80G Tax Deduction AABTC3822FF20198 (Valid upto 31 March 2026)
Approval for Accepting CSR Donations CSR00066227

Our Mission
Living in challenging times from the perspective of healthcare, CBM endeavors to advance scientific knowledge and technologies for health promotion and risk mitigation through harnessing modern and traditional sciences, nurturing professionals to be the leaders of health promotion in their respective specialties, and
empowering people/community for active participation in their own health matters.

Our Initiatives
Key initiatives for translating research and innovation include
Innovative training programs since 2005 (workshops, conferences, courses, fellowships) for empowerment of stakeholders - healthcare professionals and medical specialists on one hand and patients, caregivers and volunteers on the other
Scientific advancement of Mind-Body Medicine
Promotion of technology for Predictive Medicine i.e. detection of risk of complications in advance for making prevention possible
Publications to support researchers
CBM is home to two consortia viz. the Integrative Mind-Body Medicine (I-MBM), and the Traditional Science of Self-regulation (TSSR) which includes Yoga & Ayurveda
School/consortium of Integrative Mind-Body Medicine (I-MBM)
CBM's innovative contribution to the practice of Mind-Body & Integrative Medicine includes development of:
Conceptual model of Health
Method of clinical assessment (clinimetrics) and intervention
Yoga-based Neuro-Regulation Training (YB-NRT) addressing therapeutic targets of autonomic, cognitive and biomechanical regulation
CBM collaborates with national & international institutions & professional bodies to advance the agenda of Mind-Body & Integrative Medicine, which includes research and training.
Predictive medicine for risk mitigation
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is at the core of regulation of vital functions/physiology and its dysfunction is major driver of disease progression and complications in NCDs e.g. cardiovascular complications in diabetes. Heart Rate Variability (HRV), which is quantitative measure of cardiac autonomic modulation, is valuable for prediction of risk of complications in NCDs and in other conditions of public health concern like pregnancy and aging. CBM supported development of ambulatory Tele-HRV technology suitable for mass application in clinics and community, and Machine Learning/AI supported assessment of risk of Coronary Artery Disease especially in Diabetes so as to intervene early.
Community connect & training initiatives
Community connect & MBM training initiatives have been the bedrock of CBM's work and include
Workshops for patients & caregivers
Workshops for community volunteers
Training programs/courses for healthcare professionals including Yoga trainers in India and Germany
Training of medical residents & psychology trainees
International conferences /symposia/workshops and fellowship programs for medical professionals in collaboration with national medical associations
School/consortium of Traditional Science of Self-regulation (TSSR) and the Neuroscience of Yoga (NSOY) program
The objective of TSSR is fostering deeper understanding of the traditional sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda with a view to supporting advancement of modern healthcare.
The Neuroscience of Yoga (NSOY) Program, which represents interpretation of Yoga through the lens of modern science evolved through the Indo-German Collaboration since 2005.
Researching Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) modulation through Yoga practice has been one of the important facets of the NSOY research which generated valuable insights for formulating Yoga-Based Neuro-Regulation Training (YB-NRT) interventions especially useful for NCDs.
Meet the Team
Recent CBM Publication - Fulfils the need of comprehensive conceptual & practical text and reference book on Clinical Trials (Authored by Dr. Sarmukaddam, ISBN: 978-81-966412-4-5)

Recent Training Program - Workshop on Yoga-based Neuro-regulation Training for Healthcare Professionals (Pune 2-3 December 2023)

Landmark Programs/activities during the last decade

Keynote address by Prof. Norman Sartorius, Former Director, WHO and interaction with the Mind-Body Medicine group of CBM

Presentation of Autonomic Neuroscience Research at Indian Science Congress, 2015

Neuroscience of Yoga Course & Workshops for Yoga Teachers and Health Professionals, 2016 and 2017

Mind-Body Medicine Training Workshop
Collaborative Programs